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What is the Claiming Space competition about?


The CityLab called visual artists as well as creative groups and individuals from Dar es Salaam to reflect on how urban dwellers in Dar es Salaam shape the city by claiming space either individually or in an organized matter in March 2019. By Claiming Space we mean individuals or groups using spaces in the city despite the intended function and according to their own needs and interests. These can vary according to different socio-economic realities.

Various inspirational works were submitted at the deadline by the end of July. 15 blueprints were selected from our jury and admitted to the upcoming stage. The artists will further improve and shape their artworks within our creative workshop in the beginning of September (see our activity calendar). By the end of that full day workshop, the artist will be able to combine their visual draft with a clear and powerful message to a final design format.

The final outcomes will be presented by the participants at the next event of our Urban Night series in the beginning of October. Our jury will select the three winners. Together with the Robert Bosch Foundation we have got 2,000,000 Tsh price money to win.

We are glad to welcome the following judges in our jury:

Mrs. Grace Mbena from Dar es Salaam City Council,

Mrs. Valerie Amani from Nafasi Art Space,

Mrs. Isabela Mtani from Arhi University,

Mr. Gadi Ramadhani from KokoTEN Studio and

Mr. Rabson Bwanali from Insight Media